Thursday, August 11, 2011


Even there are some possibilities to get attack, but still it is very improbable. Even the statistics in the Yellowstone National Park in the U.S. show that you are more likely to drown than to be attacked by a bear. But if you are still worried, there are some ways to get reduce the chances of being attacked by one. First, travel in groups. Also, stay still even you run into a bear, unless bear will much more likely to attack you!

<Traveling in groups is one way to reduce the risks. Sharks are much more likely to attack a solitary swimmer. Also, stay out of the water if you have a cut since sharks have a good sense of smell.>


One method to decrease the danger is to hang out with more than three people. Isolated swimmer would easily be a victim to the sharks. Moreover, since sharks easily feel the scent of the cut, never go into the water with one.

-The summarization of the article about pros and cons of hotdog and hamburger

The good things about the burgers are that burgers aren't about ground beef anymore. But for the cons, It's easy to rack up the calories with huge burger patties, lots of cheese,etc. So, choose high-fat toppers like cheese, mayo, avocado and fried onions sparingly.
Good things about hot dogs can be that the calories aren't out of control. Hot dog with a touch of ketchup and mustard and a bun only has a few hundred calories. On the other hand, these bad boys are highly processed and most brands contain nitrates. Most folks eat two or three hot dogs at one sitting. To enjoy healthy hot dog, choose hot-dog such as nitrate-free or reduced-fat. If you need a second dog, hold back on the bun or the mayonnaise-filled side salads.

<Icarus and his father had made wings from wax and bird feathers they had collected over the years while imprisoned on the island of Crete. They attached the homemade wings to their arms and, using a flapping motion, lifted off from the island shortly before noon. While making their escape, Icarus flew too close to the sun. As a result, the heat melted the wax on his wings which caused the feathers to drop off. The wings collapsed and Icarus fell into the sea and drowned.>


Icarus and his father had created wings from assembling wax and bird feathers for more than years when they were in prison on the island of Crete. They finally fleed from the island flying, by joining the wings that was made by them to their arms and utilizing their hands gesturing up and down. During flighting, Icarus went to the sun so close which made him drop to the sea, drowning because wax attached on his wings melted by the hot sunlight, resulting feathers to fall off.

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