Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Singing in the RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TITLE:A real tired BUT! So happy day♡

 Well, as veryone know, Sunday is an affically resting day! Isn't it? But, in this camp? Well, it doesn't say to STUDY, but it automatically makes us to study without resting!
So, today, we (our roommates) found something to throw out our all stresses right away! Guess what? Running and Singing in the rain!!! Today, we had CA, which I did badminton so all of us were so sweaty and hot and hot and hot!!
BUT! What a coincident! A real~~~~~~Big Rain was here just in time when we finished the game! So, four of us just threw all of our unbrellas and ran in the rain, singing the song "비가 오는 날엔" sang by BEAST!! Maybe, it looked crzy to others, it was so fun! It rained really a LOT! We even couldn't see well because of the rain! We all had wet clothes, wet shoes, wet hair, so we should have ran to our Shower room and took shower right away! I've never felt so cool after the shower like today! I still feel happy and so funny! PHEW♥

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