Tuesday, August 16, 2011


       In this camp, my classmates and I decided to attend one of the summer camps. The name of the camps are "Camp Big Apple", "Ranch West Camp", and "Head Start Splash". So, to make a good choice, we decided to compare and contrast these three camps.
       Environment where the students study is very important to me. Camp Big Apple's environment can give us a good chance to talk with many foreigners. However, living in dormitory may bring some fights between friends. On the other hand, Ranch West Camp has a home-stay, which can provide us good experiences with foreigners. There also won't be so many fights, since we are living with a family.
       Ranch West Camp gives freedom to students to choose what they want to learn about. In contrast, Camp Big Apple teaches SAT, which is so early to elementary school students and middle school students. The worst part is "Head Start Splash" doesn't teach many kinds of subjects, contrasted to Ranch West Camp.
       Ranch West Camp has foreign teachers, which can influence students to have good accents, since they were born and raised in a native environment. In contrast, Camp Big Apple, uses Korean professors that may have a bad accent, which can give wrong facts about English to the students.
       As a result of comparing and contrasting these camps' pros and cons, I chose "Ranch West Camp" because we can study in a proper environment, which is Canada, have freedom to choose what to study and can home-stay, which can make many different kinds of situations like making foods, solving math problems, dealing with many calls, etc!

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