Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Singing in the RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TITLE:A real tired BUT! So happy day♡

 Well, as veryone know, Sunday is an affically resting day! Isn't it? But, in this camp? Well, it doesn't say to STUDY, but it automatically makes us to study without resting!
So, today, we (our roommates) found something to throw out our all stresses right away! Guess what? Running and Singing in the rain!!! Today, we had CA, which I did badminton so all of us were so sweaty and hot and hot and hot!!
BUT! What a coincident! A real~~~~~~Big Rain was here just in time when we finished the game! So, four of us just threw all of our unbrellas and ran in the rain, singing the song "비가 오는 날엔" sang by BEAST!! Maybe, it looked crzy to others, it was so fun! It rained really a LOT! We even couldn't see well because of the rain! We all had wet clothes, wet shoes, wet hair, so we should have ran to our Shower room and took shower right away! I've never felt so cool after the shower like today! I still feel happy and so funny! PHEW♥

♥Creative Writing♡

There was a building that stood as if it was waiting for someone. It was very old, ugly, and sick. But no one tried to fix it. Why? Well, let me tell you one sad, creepy story about this building.
  "There was some years that humans didn't exist and even bugs. But there were only one existence. THE BUILDINGS. They were born mysteriously, never know how they were created. And this building, which Mr.Reardon posted on his blog, was named "Cuia". Cuia love one building but she, i mean that female building was already fall in love somebody else! What a sad story, isn't it?
So, Cuia, who was so sad and miserable destroyed the buildings which even were innocent with his cold eye laser beam! So he was satisfied with it.
After humans were started to exist in this world, nobody couldn't touch this building or do something. But KMLA, which is full of genius students and teachers finally fought against it's cold laser beam and won the war!!!! YEAH!!!!! So they built the high school name KMLA around Cuia for celebrating their victory!


       In this camp, my classmates and I decided to attend one of the summer camps. The name of the camps are "Camp Big Apple", "Ranch West Camp", and "Head Start Splash". So, to make a good choice, we decided to compare and contrast these three camps.
       Environment where the students study is very important to me. Camp Big Apple's environment can give us a good chance to talk with many foreigners. However, living in dormitory may bring some fights between friends. On the other hand, Ranch West Camp has a home-stay, which can provide us good experiences with foreigners. There also won't be so many fights, since we are living with a family.
       Ranch West Camp gives freedom to students to choose what they want to learn about. In contrast, Camp Big Apple teaches SAT, which is so early to elementary school students and middle school students. The worst part is "Head Start Splash" doesn't teach many kinds of subjects, contrasted to Ranch West Camp.
       Ranch West Camp has foreign teachers, which can influence students to have good accents, since they were born and raised in a native environment. In contrast, Camp Big Apple, uses Korean professors that may have a bad accent, which can give wrong facts about English to the students.
       As a result of comparing and contrasting these camps' pros and cons, I chose "Ranch West Camp" because we can study in a proper environment, which is Canada, have freedom to choose what to study and can home-stay, which can make many different kinds of situations like making foods, solving math problems, dealing with many calls, etc!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

♥2011.8.15.Monday DIARY♡

Phew... today,,, well I mean this is now break time, so now, I feel sooooooooo tired...
Well, it is not like I HATE Mr. Ganse... Just kind of feel gloomy after hearing his comments about my presentation...
I KNOW that all he is doing is helping me to do better presentation when I do next time... But still,,, it makes kind of glomy...
Most of my friends say that Mr.Ganse is so sharp at the questions and comments. So eventually, they hate him. But not me! I just feel gloomy about that comments but still I think he is a very gooooooooood historian and teacher!
I really want to be like him... very smart and sharp and funny!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

★2011.8.2.Tuesday's diary☆


 After many many hard practice, our class 18 finished practice for singing contest and actually 'did" it on the contest last saturday. Our class prformed "Upside Down" but... couldn't get 1st or 2nd prize. The first prize winner class's performance was really shocking!!!! BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY REALLY GRAB THEIR HANDS AT LAST!!!! NOT EVEN TOGETHER!!! ONE GIRL AND A BOY??!! Well, and the 2nd prize winner team performed "Tic-tok) by KE$HA! I liked it because they devided to two groups; singing and dancing! My one of roommates were one of dancing team!
On the other hand, still, our team, I mean class got the "PRIZE"!! Do you know what it is??! It's "CHEERING PRIZE"~HAHAHA We got that prize because actually me and michell did a great job on screaming and singing after the performers! Even though it wasn't a big prize, still we were so happy♡♡

And yesterday, when level2,3 were taking weekly test, level1(class12~20) students went to auditorium and watched debate TAs debating for good example for us! The topic was very funny! It was about Mr.Hwang(Our student manager) believes that chicken is better than pizza. So government agree with it and opposition side don't. It was like a free gag concert! It was pretty fun looking them debating! Especially When they do POIs, they always put their hands on their head and stretch their right arms! So today in debate class, everybody fallowed them doing so! It was a real fun!


Even there are some possibilities to get attack, but still it is very improbable. Even the statistics in the Yellowstone National Park in the U.S. show that you are more likely to drown than to be attacked by a bear. But if you are still worried, there are some ways to get reduce the chances of being attacked by one. First, travel in groups. Also, stay still even you run into a bear, unless bear will much more likely to attack you!

<Traveling in groups is one way to reduce the risks. Sharks are much more likely to attack a solitary swimmer. Also, stay out of the water if you have a cut since sharks have a good sense of smell.>


One method to decrease the danger is to hang out with more than three people. Isolated swimmer would easily be a victim to the sharks. Moreover, since sharks easily feel the scent of the cut, never go into the water with one.

-The summarization of the article about pros and cons of hotdog and hamburger

The good things about the burgers are that burgers aren't about ground beef anymore. But for the cons, It's easy to rack up the calories with huge burger patties, lots of cheese,etc. So, choose high-fat toppers like cheese, mayo, avocado and fried onions sparingly.
Good things about hot dogs can be that the calories aren't out of control. Hot dog with a touch of ketchup and mustard and a bun only has a few hundred calories. On the other hand, these bad boys are highly processed and most brands contain nitrates. Most folks eat two or three hot dogs at one sitting. To enjoy healthy hot dog, choose hot-dog such as nitrate-free or reduced-fat. If you need a second dog, hold back on the bun or the mayonnaise-filled side salads.

<Icarus and his father had made wings from wax and bird feathers they had collected over the years while imprisoned on the island of Crete. They attached the homemade wings to their arms and, using a flapping motion, lifted off from the island shortly before noon. While making their escape, Icarus flew too close to the sun. As a result, the heat melted the wax on his wings which caused the feathers to drop off. The wings collapsed and Icarus fell into the sea and drowned.>


Icarus and his father had created wings from assembling wax and bird feathers for more than years when they were in prison on the island of Crete. They finally fleed from the island flying, by joining the wings that was made by them to their arms and utilizing their hands gesturing up and down. During flighting, Icarus went to the sun so close which made him drop to the sea, drowning because wax attached on his wings melted by the hot sunlight, resulting feathers to fall off.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Introducing our movie club,"LM"

I think I didn't talk about why my nickname is "LM SICKNESS". Well, first LM is after the word, "Love Movie" which, I think, If I see it now, it's so... kiddy... I can see my brain age when I was 5th grade...
I made this club when I was in 5th grade, because there were many good friends in my class! First, we started with five friends, three girls including me and two boys! But boys kept complaining about there are only two boys, so I invited two more boys!

We went to CGV to watch movies every month! I booked it through internet, and I got all the money from my club members! It was much fun to watch movie with my friends! We can have more good talks about the movie we saw, and share together!

I've made my club cafe in naver, where we can share some fun things, and recommend what to watch ths month! Well, we usually used cafe for chatting though...haha Since we became seperate classes as we got older and change classes, we kind of stopped having monthly meeting. But still, if we have something to celebrate like someone's birthday, we usually invite LMmembers!

I named my nickname as LM "SICKNESS", it means I really MISS them.... especially NOW because I'm here,,, not playing with them... So sad....

You want to know more about us? Come here!

P.S I miss you guys.....